3rd STST

3rd STST

The third STST was held on Nov 24, 25, and 26, in 2021. The teaching activity summarized all the previous activities in the project and opened the gate for transferring knowledge among partner organizations. The event featured three keynotes with workshops: Barbara Hanfstingl: “Some background and news about growth mindset indicators.” The presentation focused on […]
2nd STST

2nd STST

The second STST of the project was held between 27-29 September 2021 with 17 participants.In the training 7 workshop has made.“Online Pedagogy for an Effective Distance Education: Tactics and Tools”“H5P fundamentals”“Application & Integration of H5P within teaching and learning”“Creating Online Course Content Using Adobe Captivate”” Pedagogical and Technological Competencies for Distance Teaching”“Quality of Distance Courses, […]
1st STST

1st STST

The second STST of the project was held between 27-29 January 2021 with 21 participants.In the training 7 workshop has made. “General presentation of growth mindset (GM) with examples” “GM in higher education” “Self-assessment of GM” “What is a growth mindset oriented teaching?” “Facing challenges with GM implementation” “Individual action plan for incorporating GM practices […]