In this section, articles and collection of GM tools prepared by our project team based on the literature and that instructors can interest in are included.
Growth Mindset Theory by Ebru Ersarı
Click on the link –>Growth Mindset Theory
What is GM Teaching? by Blanka Tacer & Ana Arzenšek
Click on the link –> What_is_a_growth_mindset_teaching
Growthmind Tasks by Blanka Tacer
Growthminds Language by Blanka Tacer
Click on the link –> GM Language
Some background and news about growth mindset indicators by Barbara Hanfstingl
Growthmind Tools in Motivating Students by Katarina Kocbek
Click on the Link –> GM_tools_in_motivating
Self-Determination Theory meets Growth Mind by Florian H. Müller
A Case in Which You
Click on the link –> Growthminds_january_2021_cases
Mindset Quiz
Click on the link –> Mindset_Quiz_Dweck_Adaptation
GM Language Memory Cards –> Memory_Cards_GM_Language
GM Tasks Memory Cards –> Memory_Cards_GM_Tasks
Competencies for Collaborative Online Teaching by Hasan Çakır
Click on the link –> Competencies for Collaborative Online Teaching
Online Pedagogy for an Effective Distance Education: Tactics and Tools by Kürşat Çağıltay
Click on the link –> Online Pedagogy for an Effective Distance Education
H5P Fundamentals by Nergis Ayşe Gürel Köybaşı
Click on the link –> H5P